Eagle Scout Forms
Ready to complete the path to Eagle? Start here:
Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook – Use this version only! Updated October 2015
Eagle Scout Reference Form (council form)
Orca District Eagle Project Workbook Contacts
Requirements for Completing the Eagle Application Successfully
- You must use the most recent application which is always available on our website, seattlebsa.org.
- To fill out the application:
- First preference is to use the computer to complete. The application online is a fillable PDF. Typing makes the form readable and there are fewer errors.
- Complete using black or blue ink. Applications completed in pencil or colored ink, will be returned to be redone.
- Fill out all information asked for:
- Rank dates .
- Merit badges – on the badges where there is a choice, cross off the one not using
- Position of responsibility – both a start and end date must be listed. The time frame must be six months after earning Life.
- Project name that provides a brief description – not John’s Eagle project. Better, cleared a trail at some park. Date project completed.
- Grand total of project hours.
- Unit leader’s conference date
- Scout sign’s the application.
- Registered unit leader (scoutmaster, Varsity coach, Venture Advisor or Skipper) signs.
- Registered committee chairman signs.
- Proof your name and review it with your parents/guardians. Make sure you are all in agreement on how you want your name to appear on the Eagle certificate.
- Proof the whole application again before it is submitted.
- Final step: once you receive the email notifying you that your Eagle has been sent to the district, you must respond to the email. If there are corrections, let us know. If your Eagle certificateneeds to be corrected and you did not respond to this email there will be a
After your application is successfully reviewed, the council certifies it and forwards it to the district for the board of review. You, your parents/guardian, unit leader, committee chairman and district Eagle coordinator will receive an email letting you know your application has been sent to the district.
After your have successfully completed your board of review, Promptly return your application to a Chief Seattle Council Service Center.
All communication should done by email.
**Please note, Chief Seattle Council is not participating in the Lowe’s National Eagle Scout Project Impact grant program. Do not send the grant form in to the council office. Continue to approach Lowe’s stores independently if you wish to ask for donated materials. Thanks!
Want to become an Eagle Coach? Start here: